As I explored possibilities of how to incorporate my searching innovations - artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatBots into creating innovations, I decided to focus on how the instructor cadre in my organization can use these tools to improve teaching and learning. What I discovered was that Landbot, an easy to use, no code required ChatBot builder can be used by instructors to build knowledge checks, quizzes, and surveys as a check on learning to then import Landbot and other available data into Tableau, an AI analytic tool that can digest large amounts of learner and course data, to analyze learning and instruction.
Lesson #1
Using Landbot to Improve Teaching & Learning
1. A brief description of the lesson plan
The purpose of this lesson is to provide adult learners an overview of the Landbot application, demonstrate how to use Landbot to facilitate learning, then have learners work in pairs during a practical exercise to develop a bot.
Learning objective: Learners will be able to apply their understanding of Landbot to develop a specific bot they can use in their own course curriculum.
2. The technology and resources involved
Both the instructor and learners can telework from their residences to participate in this training. All participants require a personal computer with audio capabilities, access to the internet, access to the Department of Defense’s (DOD) All Partners Access Network (APAN), https://www.apan.org/, and access to the Landbot application, https://app.landbot.io/.
3. What skills, knowledge, and pedagogy are required of training instructors?
At a minimum, the instructor will need the following:
Basic computer skills,
An APAN account,
Knowledge of and experience with delivering training through the Adobe Connect classroom on the DOD’s APAN,
A Landbot account, and
Familiarity and experience with using the Landbot application.
The instructor will incorporate a variety of pedagogies to include informal lecture, a guided demonstration, practical exercises, and continuous feedback/assessment. The instructor will also require an understanding of learners' experiences with the use of educational technology as well as the use and/or development of ChatBots. This will allow for experiential learning, particularly during the practical exercise where the instructor can pair an experienced with an inexperienced learner.
4. What prior skills and knowledge are required of learners? (both general and specific, think of Bloom's taxonomy)
At a minimum, learners will need the following:
Basic computer skills,
Experience with participating in an Adobe Connect classroom on the DOD’s APAN, and
A Landbot account
5. What are learners asked to do exactly?
Learners are required to watch the 16 Landbot Builder Basics videos prior to class. The videos can be viewed at https://landbot.io/knowledge-center/builder-basics-course and require approximately 45 minutes to complete.
After watching the videos, learners will create a trial Landbot account. (This can be done before or during class.)
Learners will participate in the informal lecture and the guided demonstration.
Learners will work in pairs to develop a bot to be used in their courses. Although working in pairs, each learner is required to develop a bot.
Learners will share and test each other’s bot, allowing each learner to view the bot metrics and analyze user data.
6. What are the procedures of the project?
Prior to the start of class, the instructor will:
Set up the Landbot classroom on APAN’s Adobe Connect (Figure 1), and
Figure 1
APAN Adobe Connect Classroom
Note. Screenshot depicting the Adobe Classroom on APAN (APAN, 2020).
Send learners a welcome email with pre-course requirements, class schedule, and course requirements to include the Adobe Connect classroom link and the Landbot link.
During class, the instructor will:
Lead a discussion on the 16 Landbot Builder Basics videos,
Deliver an informal lecture on how Landbot can aid agency training/courses,
Demonstrate how to use Landbot,
Provide learners an example of a bot (Figure 2) and allow learners to use the
Figure 2
Example bot from intelligence planning course
Note. Screenshot depicting example bot (Landbot, 2022).
Explain practical exercise to include determining learner pairs,
Facilitate the practical exercise,
Provide feedback throughout the entire lesson, and
Deliver lesson conclusion and learner feedback forms. (It is important during the course conclusion that the instructor reminds learners that their bot data will be needed if they participate in Tableau training.)
After class, the instructor will:
Review learner feedback forms and assess teaching and learning to make improvements in instructional strategies, lesson content, instructor skills; and
Reset/clean the Adobe Connect Classroom in preparation for the next class/lesson.
7. What are the advantages of the project?
The use of the Landbot application has the following advantages:
Ease of use and with no requirement for coding experience,
Bot can be embedded on a web page or emailed as a direct link to learners,
Bot can be customized to training needs, course curriculum, etc.,
Analysis of bot performance included with application, and
Using a bot offers a unique way to connect with learners in or out of the classroom.
8. What are the disadvantages of the project?
The use of the Landbot application has the following disadvantages:
Trial period ends 14 days after account creation, requiring a monthly or business membership,
Inability to use the application on a secure intranet without agency permission, and
Hesitation and/or unwillingness of instructors to incorporate a bot into training.
9. What types of effective instructional strategies are included?
This lesson incorporates a variety of instructional strategies to include independent learning, direct instruction, and experiential learning that considers the audio, visual, and kinesthetic learner.
10. What are the possibilities that innovation can be transferred to other teachers, subject content, and different school settings?
Landbot (or a similar ChatBot application) can be used beyond employee skills training and can be incorporated into new employee training and leadership development training. It can also be used by human resource personnel for the onboarding of new employees. When I think of my own onboarding, I recall completing numerous paper or digital files requesting various demographic information. What a time saver it would be to use a ChatBot like Landbot to collect that data so it can be imported into the various forms and systems used by my agency when onboarding new employees.
APAN. (2018). Solutions for building partnerships. APAN. Retrieved from https://www.apan.org/.
Landbot. (2020). Welcome to Landbot. Landbot. Retrieved from https://app.landbot.io/gui/home.
Give the Landbot a try!