Case #2
Using ChatBots in Employee Training Programs
1. Reference information
Alburger, J. (2021). How to train a chatbot: 8 effective tips for training AI. Hubtype. Retrieved from
Crowdbotics. (2022). Chatbots in the workplace: Pros, Cons, and best practices. Crowdbotics. Retrieved from
Han, V. (2019, August 16). Are Chatbots the future of training? SHRM. Retrieved from
Jassova, B. (2022, June 23). How to make a chatbot [no-code creation guide 2022]: Landbot. Retrieved From
Meyer von Wolf, R., Masuch, K., Hobert, S., & Schumann, M. (2019). What do you need today? - an empirical systematization of Application Areas for Chatbots at Digital Workplaces. Research Gate. Retrieved from
michaelz1. (2012). Chatbot 2. Flickr. photograph, San Francisco. Retrieved from
Mobile Coach. (2018). Effective Employee Training Via Chatbot. Provo; Mobile Coach. Retrieved from
Neelakandan, N. (2021, May 12). Chatbots in elearning: How chatbots can help to develop Awesome Employees. eLearning Industry. Retrieved from
OCI. (2022). What is a chatbot? Oracle. Retrieved from
Oesch, T., Greene, E., Sanchez, P., & Espinoza, J. (2018, July 5). Our "digital friends": Using Chatbots in corporate training. Training Industry. Retrieved from
Okonkwo, C. W., & Ade-Ibijola, A. (2021). Chatbots applications in education: A systematic review. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2, 100033.
Singh, R. (2020, April 7). 7 ways chatbots can increase business efficiency and productivity. Medium. Retrieved from
Tham, M. (2020, February 17). 6 uses of Chatbots for Learning. 6 Uses of Chatbots for Learning. Retrieved from
2. A brief description of the case
This case goes hand-in-hand with the first case in that a ChatBot is a specific form of artificial intelligence (AI) that simulates written or spoken communications so that a person is able to have a conversation with a digital device. This case will look at how ChatBots can be used in employee training programs.
3. The purpose of the innovation
Just like most forms of AI, a ChatBot has multiple purposes. A ChatBot can be designed to perform one task or be interactive a atake on the role of a virtual assistant. Common applications are in customer service, banking, and the restaurant industry. ChatBots are used for processes/tasks that generally do not require an actual human being to perform them. This case will focus specifically on the use of ChatBots in workforce training.
4. The technology and resources involved
A ChatBot can be created using code such as Python (for those who have computational skills) or without coding using a ChatBot development platform such as Microsoft Azure BOT Service or Landbot (Figure 3).
Figure 3
Note. Screenshot of Landbot Development Platform (Jassova, 2022).
Once the ChatBot is developed, a ChatBot Deployment Platform like a website, Skype, Facebook, etc. needs to be selected. An employee/trainee will need a digital device (mobile phone, computer, etc.) and the deployment platform in order to access the ChatBot.
In addition to these two key pieces of technology, one must also determine the goal/purpose of the ChatBot and the target audience in order to design the conversation. After developing and deploying the ChatBot, it is important to test it and elicit user feedback in order to make improvements.
5. What prior skills and knowledge are required of students?
Employees/trainees will need to know how to use their digital device and the ChatBot deployment platform.
If the instructor is developing the ChatBot, she/he will need to know how to code if designing from scratch or be familiar with the ChatBot development platform. Either of these can require a significant amount of training depending on the instructor’s knowledge, experience, and comfortability with ChatBots.
6. What are students asked to accomplish exactly?
Employees/trainees will be required to accomplish tasks depending on the overall purpose of the ChatBot. The following chart (Figure 4) provides a snapshot of various ChatBots and how employees can use them in their learning and development.
Figure 4
ChatBot Uses in Employee Training Programs
Note. Chart displaying how ChatBots can support employee training (Tham, 2020).
7. What are the procedures of the project?
The employees/trainees should require little to no training on how to use a ChatBot, but they may need encouragement to ensure they engage with the ChatBot during their learning.
As stated in Question 5, the instructor will need training on coding or the ChatBot development platform as well as the ChatBot deployment platform. The instructor/ChatBot designer will also need to know how to train the ChatBot. Key steps in training the ChatBot are:
Know the meaning of key ChatBot phrases like utterance, intent, and entity
Define the problem the ChatBot will solve
Develop specific intents with each linked to only one purpose
Use a lot of expressions (utterances) to create each intent
Use a diverse team to train the bot
Ensure entities (a group of utterances) have a purpose
Make the bot personable
Incorporate multimedia and avoid only using text
Continue improving/training the bot
8. What are the advantages of the project?
The use of ChatBots in employee training programs have the following advantages:
Improvement in the retention and application of new knowledge and skills
Many can be integrated into an employer’s learning management system (LMS) to gain a better understanding of employee performance
Conversations can be geared to a large number of employees but the training content is personal for each individual
Bots can be used in longer training programs so that learners remain engaged over time
Employees do not require a new device, software, application, etc.
9. What are the disadvantages of the project?
The disadvantages of using ChatBots in employee training programs are
ChatBots cannot yet replace actual human interaction or solve complex problems
ChatBots can be hard to develop if they require machine learning applications like Natural Language Processor
ChatBots require continuous maintenance and updates so they do not become outdated
10. What types of effective instructional strategies are included?
Being very similar to AI, ChatBots allow for experiential, independent, and interactive learning strategies. These strategies place the responsibility of learning on the employee, allowing the employee to be directly involved in her/his learning yet still able to reach out to the ChatBot if feedback and assistance are needed.
11. What are the possibilities that innovation can be transferred to other teachers, subject content, and different school settings?
ChatBots remain a fairly new technology, yet like AI, one can expect to see an increased usage of ChatBots
in employee training programs and other aspects of people’s personal and professional lives. Maybe one day a ChatBot
(Figure 5) will be able to train itself and be actively involved in its own development, like a human.
Figure 5
Chatbot 2
Note. Photo of Chatbot 2 (michaelz1, 2012)